Secrets of the Universe Page 31
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Manchester Art Gallery/Bridgeman Art Library
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© ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM, CC BY-SA IGO 3.0
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Sebastian Deiries/ESO
NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstadt/Sean Doran
ESA/Planck Collaboration
NASA, ESA, and P. Kalas (University of California, Berkeley and SETI Institute)
Millennium Simulation, Springel et al.
Karan Jani/Georgia Tech
NASA, ESA, C.R. O’Dell (Vanderbilt University), M. Meixner, P. McCullough
Raghvendra Sahai and John Trauger (JPL), the WFPC2 science team, and NASA/ESA
ESA/Hubble & NASA
NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI), and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
ESO/WFI (Optical); MPIfR/ESO/APEX/A. Weiss et al. (Submillimetre); NASA/CXC/CfA/R. Kraft et al. (X-ray)
ESO/EHT Collaboration
All page numbers refer to the 2019 print edition.
References in bold indicate plate numbers
2C catalogue 269–70
3C 48 (radio source, quasar) 253
3C 273 (radio source, quasar) 253, 255–56, 257, 262
3C catalogue 255, 270
4C catalogue 270
40 Eridani (star) 166–67
51 Peg b (exoplanet) 207–8
51 Pegasi (star) 207–8
61 Cygni (star) 180
1992 QB1 (Kuiper Belt Object) 74
Abbe, Cleveland 251
Abbott, Charles G. 113
Academy of Sciences, Paris 30, 31
accretion 235, 259
active galactic nuclei (AGNs) 257–58, 262, 309
active galaxies 253–56, 257–58, 300, 309
Adams, John Couch 58, 59–60, 143
Adams, S. W. 273
Adams, Walter 112, 166, 168
Adams ring 134
Aerobee rockets 157
Age of Aquarius 35
AGNs see active galactic nuclei
Airy, George 59
Al-Sufi 183, 250
alchemy 138
Aldrin, Buzz X
Alfvén, Hannes 87
algae 297
Algol 163–64
Algol paradox 164, 300
ALH84001 (meteorite) 79, 296
Almagest (Ptolemy) 20, 23, 26
alpha-beta-gamma (paper) 216
Alpha Centauri 180
Alpher, Ralph 216, 271–72, 273
Alvarez, Luis Walter 220
amino acids 293, 295
anagram announcement 51–52, 53, 132
Anders, Ed 238
Andromeda galaxy (M31) 181, 182–83, 184, 185, 204, 248
Andromeda Nebula see Andromeda galaxy
anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background 274
Annefrank (asteroid) 67
Antarctic meteorites 78–79
Antennae XXV
Antoniadi, Eugenios 117
Antonucci, Robert 258
Apennine Mountains (Moon) 104
aperture synthesis interferometry 11, 300
Apollo lunar exploration programme 103–4, 109; VI
Appolonius of Perga 38
Aquarius (constellation) 35
Arago, François 51, 58
Arago ring 134
Aratus of Soli 23, 35, 191
archaea 294
Argo (constellation) 34, 36
Aries (constellation) 35
Arietid meteor shower 83
Aristarchus 177
Aristotle 27, 28, 77, 89, 196
Aristotelian elements 77
Arrhenius, Svante 91, 113
Asca (spacecraft) 258
Asimov, Isaac 14
asterisms 24
asteroid belt 62, 66, 300
asteroids 62–67, 80, 92, 97–102, 235, 300; VII
Atkinson, Robert d’Escourt 213, 216
atomic energy 212
atomic transmutation 213
atoms 215
aurorae 86, 129, 300
Australian Astronomical Observatory 7–8
axions 288–89
B-squared FH (paper) 217–18
Baade, Walter 171, 227, 254–55
Babylonians 19–20, 23, 25
Bahcall, John 220
Balick, Bruce 261
Banks, Joseph 45
Barberini, Cardinal Maffeo 53
Barish, Barry 277
Barnard, Edward E. 126, 237
Barrett, Alan 189
Barringer, Daniel 12, 98–99
Becklin, Eric 189–90, 233
Becklin–Neugebauer Object 233, 234, 300
Becquerel, Henri 172, 212
Beer, Wilhelm 116
Bell, Jocelyn 13, 170–72
Bellarmine, Cardinal 53
Bennu (asteroid) VII
BeppoSAX (spacecraft) 265
Bessel, Friedrich 165, 180
Beta Persei 163
Beta Pictoris 233
Beta Taurid meteor shower 83
Bethe, Hans 213–14, 216
Bevis, John 224
Biermann, Ludwig 87
Big Bang 154, 216, 248, 268–69, 271–74, 279, 291, 301; XVI
Big Crunch 272, 301
Big Dipper (asterism) 24
binary pulsars 150, 276
binary stars 275, 276, 278, 279, 300, 301
Binney, James 248
Biot, Jean-Baptiste 78, 294
bipolar nebula 230, 301
Birkeland, Kristian 86
black holes
definition 301
event horizons 174; XXVIII
formation 167, 175, 193, 197, 201
galaxies XXVII
gravitational waves 149, 275, 277–78
Milky Way 260–62
quasars 256
supermassive 253–54, 257–59, 309, 314
theories 12, 173–76
black smokers 294
blink comparator 69, 301
blue dwarf stars 193
blue-green algae 297
Bode, Johann 57, 63, 301
Bode’s Law 59, 63–64, 301
Bohlin, Karl 192
Bok, Bart 243
Bolton, John 270
Bolton, Tom 176
Boltwood, Bertram B. 212
Bond, George 133
Bond, William 133
Bondi, Hermann 268, 283
Bouguer, Pierre 31
Bowen, Ira 230
Brahe, Tycho 13, 39, 40, 89, 142, 178, 195–96, 314
Braille (asteroid) 67
Brown, Ford Madox II
Brown, Robert 261
Bruno, Giordano 206
Bug Nebula see Butterfly Nebula (NGC 6302)
Bunsen, Robert 140
Burbidge, Geoffrey 217
Burbidge, Margaret 217
Burney, Venetia 69
Butler, Paul 208
butterfly effect 145
rfly Nebula (NGC 6302) 231
Caccini, Tommaso 53
Callendar, Guy Stewart 113
Callisto 50, 125, 294; III
Caloris Basin 109–10
Cameron, Alistair G. W. 105, 220
Campbell, William 229
canali 117, 301
carbon 217, 218, 293
carbon tetrachloride 221
carbonaceous chondrites 238
Carrington, Richard 87
Carswell, Robert 288
Cassen, Patrick 129
Cassini Division 133
Cassini, Gian 116, 133
Cassini (spacecraft) 133, 135
Cassini family 31
Cassiopeia (constellation) 139, 153
Cassiopeia A (supernova remnant) XVIII
catastrophism 101, 102, 301
Cat’s Eye Nebula 228, 229, 231
‘Celestial Police’ 64
Celsius, Anders 31
Centaurus (constellation) 36, 237
Centaurus A (galaxy) XXVII
Cepheids 164, 185, 202–5, 248, 301
Ceres (asteroid) 64, 66, 67
Challis, James 59–60
Chamberlin, Rollin T. 295
Chamberlin, Thomas C. 295
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 12, 167–68, 197–98
Chandrasekhar mass 167, 302
Chang’e 2 (spacecraft) 67
chaos theory 144–45, 302
Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) 74
Charles Wain (asterism) 24
Charon (moon) 70–71
chemical elements 139
Chemical Furnace (constellation) 36
Chéseaux, Jean-Philippe Loys de 281–82, 283
Chicxulub crater 101
Chinese astronomy 23–24, 80, 225, 226
chirality 294, 302
Chladni, Ernst 77–78
chondrites 235, 238, 302
Christy, Jim 70
chromosphere 140, 302
Chuang Tzu 267
Chyba, Chris 295
Circumnuclear Disc 261, 262, 302
Clark, Alvan (father) 165–66
Clark, Alvan Graham (son) 165–66
Clerke, Agnes 280
clocks 148
clusters of galaxies 158, 287, 288, 292
CNO cycle 213–14, 216, 302
Coalsack (dark cloud) 237
cobalt-56 200
coesite 100
Columbus, Christopher 29
Coma Cluster 287
Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko 90–91, 92; IX
Comet Giacobini–Zinner 83, 91
Comet Halley see Halley’s Comet
Comet Kirch 89
Comet McNaught XII
Comet Swift–Tuttle 82
Comet Tempel 1 82, 91
Comet Wild 2 91, 238
coma 45, 90, 302
composition 89, 90
definition 45, 89, 302
formation 92
orbits 89
organic molecules 294
as a source of meteor shower 80–81, 91
sungrazing 46
tail 45, 90, 91, 314
see also Oort Cloud; Kuiper Belt
Common, Andrew Ainslee 187
Comte, Auguste 138
Condamine, Charles-Marie de La 31
naming 22–25, 33
southern 25, 33–36
Continuous Creation theory 268, 302
convection 93
Coon Butte crater 97–100
Copernican system see heliocentric theory
Copernicus, Nicolaus 10, 37, 39, 52, 177, 302
Copernicus (satellite) 245
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave de 94, 303
Coriolis effect 94, 303
corona of Sun 156, 303
CoRoT (spacecraft) 209
Corsali, Andrea 250, 251
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) (spacecraft) 274
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) 271–74, 303; XVI
cosmic rays 221, 303
Cosmological Constant 267, 291–92, 303
Crab Nebula 153, 158, 224–27
Crab pulsar 226–27
Crabtree, William 9, 40; II
definition 303
on Earth 12, 97–101
on Mars 118, 123, 313
on Mercury 108, 109; XV
on the Moon 104–5; VIII
on Pluto 71
splosh 121, 124, 313
Crawford, John 164
Crossley, Edward 187
Crux (constellation) 36, 237
cubewanos 74, 303
cuneiform tablets 18, 19
Curie, Marie and Pierre 212
Curiosity Rover 122, 123
Curtis, Heber D. 182, 229
Cuvier, George 101, 102
cyanobacteria 297
cyanogen 273
Cygnus A (active galaxy and radio source) 153, 254–55
Cygnus X-1 (X-ray source) 157–58, 176
Dactyl (asteroid) 67
Daly, Reginald 105
Dark Ages of the Universe 249, 303
dark energy 13, 288, 290–92, 303; XIX
dark matter 13, 286–89, 303; XIX
dark nebula 303
darkness at night 280–83
D’Arrest, Heindrich 59
Darwin, Charles 212
Darwin, George 105
Davis, Donald R. 105
Davis, Raymond, Jr 12, 220–21, 223
Dawn (spacecraft) 67
Deep Impact probe 91
Deep Space I (spacecraft) 67
degenerate matter 167, 168, 197–98, 304
Deimos (moon) 118
Delambre, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph 31
Delporte, Eugène 24
Delta Cephei 202
Democritus 28
Demon Star 162, 163
Descartes, René 31, 311
Descartes highlands 104
diamonds 238
Dicke, Robert 174, 271, 273
Dicke radiometer 271
Digges, Thomas 196
double stars 163–64, 207, 265–66, 276, 301, 304
Draco (constellation) 229
Draper, Henry 140, 187
Duhalde, Oscar 199
Duncan, Martin 73–74
Dunham, Theodore, Jr 112
Dunhuang Star Chart 23–24
Dürer, Albrecht 34
Duyvendak, Jan 225
dwarf planet 66, 71, 304
dwarf stars
blue 193
red 193
white 9, 12, 165–68, 175, 193, 197–98, 302, 315
Dysnomia (Kuiper Belt Object) 75
age 211–13
atmosphere 14, 88, 93, 112–15
axis 33, 34, 57, 95
circumference 31
climate 57, 93–96, 106
craters 12, 97–101
curvature 29, 31
inclination 57, 94–95, 106
life 89, 92, 106, 110, 197, 212, 294, 296, 297–98
magnetic field 84, 106
magnetic field reversal 88
magnetosphere 12–13, 84–88, 297
orbit 94–95
origin 105–6, 235
shape 29–32
size 30
structure 32, 106, 297, 303, 308
earthrise from the Moon VI
eccentricity (of orbit) 38, 74, 75, 89, 94–95, 304
eclipses 29, 138, 140, 304, 308, 312–13
ecliptic 304, 309
Eddington, Arthur Stanley 168, 193, 202–3, 213, 215
Edgeworth, Kenneth 72–73
Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt see Kuiper Belt
Einstein, Albert 9, 14, 147, 149–50, 267, 291
electromagnetic spectrum 151, 155
electrons 215, 216
discovery 139
origin 141, 215–18, 268, 271
elliptical galaxies 247, 304
Enceladus 294
/> Encke Gap 133
Encke, Johann Franz 133
ENVISAT (satellite) 31
epicycle 38–39, 304
equinox 35
Eratosthenes 30
Eridanus (constellation) 27
Eris (Kuiper Belt Object) 75
Eros (asteroid) 67
escape velocity 173, 304
Eudoxus 23, 35
Europa (moon) 50, 124–25, 294, 295, 296; III
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 259; XXVIII
event horizons 174, 259; XXVIII
evolution 212, 297
Ewen, Harold 244
exoplanets 206–10, 296, 305
expanding Universe 267–70, 283, 290–92
Explorer (series of spacecraft) 86, 104
Fabian, Andy 258–59
Fabricius, David 162
Falcke, Heino 259
Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) 245
Farnese Atlas 23
Fermi, Enrico 296, 305
Fermi Paradox 296, 298, 305
Fernández, Julio 73
Ferrel, William 94
Field, George 273
fireballs 97, 100, 102, 305
Flamsteed, John 183
Fleming, Williamina 9, 166, 188–89
forbidden spectral lines 230
Ford, Holland 257
Ford, Kent 287–88
Formalhaut (star) 34; XVII
Fornax (constellation) 36
fossils 297
Fourier, Joseph 112, 113
Fowler, Ralph 167
Fowler, William 217, 220
Fraunhofer, Joseph von 139–40
Fraunhofer lines 139–40
Freedman, Wendy 203, 204–5
Friedman, Herb 155–56, 158
Gadbury, John 45
Gaia (spacecraft) 180, 252
galactic centre 261
active 253–56, 257–58, 300, 309
clusters 158, 287, 288, 292
colliding 247–48; XXV
definition 305
discovery 184, 185
elliptical 247, 305
images of XXVII
irregular 247, 307
lenticular 247, 308
radio 11, 153–54, 248, 254–56, 257, 269
Seyfert 158, 254, 257, 258, 312
spiral 247, 248, 254, 287–88, 313; XXVI
Galaxy 153, 182–85, 244–45, 248, 260–62, 305; see also Milky Way
Galileo (spacecraft) 67, 128, 134, 238; III
Galileo Galilei 10, 11, 28, 47, 48, 49–50, 51–54, 103, 116, 126, 130, 131, 149, 182, 186, 191