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Galileo’s abjuration 53–54
Galle, Johann 59–60
Galle ring 134
Gamma Draconis (star) 179
gamma-ray bursters 158–59, 263–66, 305
gamma rays 200–1, 305
Gamow, George 216, 268, 271–72, 273, 287, 290
Ganymede 50, 125, 294; III
gas giant planets 130–35, 235, 305
Gaspra (asteroid) 67
Gassendi, Pierre 40
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 64–65
Geikie, Archibald 101
Gellibrand, Henry 88
Gemini (constellation) 24
General Relativity 9, 14, 149–50, 173–74, 267–68, 275–76, 288, 290–91, 305
Genesis Rock 104
Genzel, Robert 261–62
GEO 600 277
geocentric theory of the planets 18, 20–21, 37–39, 305; see also Ptolemaic theory
geodesic 174, 305
Georgium Sidus 56–57
geothermal energy 294, 295
geothermal vents 294, 295
Ghez, Andrea 261–62
Giacconi, Riccardo 13, 156–57, 158
Giacobinid meteor shower 83
Giant Molecular Clouds (GMC) 186, 189–90, 239, 245, 305
Gilbert, Grove Karl 97–98, 99
Gilbert, William 85
Gilmore, Gerry 247–48
Giotto (spacecraft) 90, 91
globular clusters 191, 192, 305
Godin, Louis 31
Gold, Thomas 84, 254, 268
‘Goldilocks Zone’ 295
Goldreich, Peter 234
Goodricke, John 163–64, 202
gradualism 101, 306
gravitation/gravity 14, 30–31, 142–46, 267, 290, 292, 306
gravitational lens 288, 306
gravitational radiation 275
gravitational redshift 168, 253, 306
Gravitational Wave Background 279
gravitational wave detectors 11
gravitational waves 14–15, 149, 176, 265–66, 275–79, 306; XXI
gravity-assist technique 143
GRB 970228 265
Greeks, ancient 20, 23, 28, 107, 177, 191
greenhouse effect 14, 96, 111–15, 295, 306
Gregory, James 178, 179
Grottrian, Walter 141
guest stars 225
Gursky, Herb 13, 156–57
GW150917 277
GW170817 277–78
‘H I’ see interstellar hydrogen
‘H II’ see interstellar hydrogen
Hadley, George 94
Hadley cell 94, 306
hadschar al aswad (possible meteorite) 78
Hall, Asaph 117–18
Halley, Edmond 44, 85, 89–90, 93, 143, 183, 191–92, 281
Halley’s Comet 89–90, 91, 224
Harding, Karl Ludwig 65
Hardy, Thomas 36, 236, 260
Harriott, Thomas 48–49
Hartmann, William 105
Hawking, Stephen 176, 274
Hayabusa (spacecraft) 67
Hayashi, Chushiro 234
Hazard, Cyril 253, 255, 256
HDE 226868 (star) 176
Heavy Bombardment
109–10, 235, 307
Heinfogel, Conrad 34
heliocentric theory 37, 39–41, 52, 302, 306
helioseismology 194, 221–22, 306
helium 138–41, 203, 213, 216, 217–18, 220, 229–30, 286
Helix Nebula XXIII
Helmholtz, Hermann von 212
Henderson, Thomas 179–80
Herman, Robert 271–72, 273
Herrick, Edward 82
Herschel, Caroline 12, 44–45, 56, 183–84, 192
Herschel, John 187, 192, 251, 282
Herschel Space Observatory 190
Herschel, William 11, 12, 55–57, 58, 64, 65, 166, 183–85, 186–87, 190, 192, 228–29, 233
Hertzsprung, Ejnar 166, 193, 204
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram 166–67
Hevelius, Johannes 24, 162, 183
Hewish, Antony 169–71
Hey, James 82–83
Hey, John 254
Hipparchus 23, 35, 38, 180, 191
Hipparcos (spacecraft) 180
Hodierna, Giovanni Battista 183
Hoffleit, Dorrit 256
Holwarda, Jan Fokkens 162
Hooke, Robert 179
Horologium (constellation) 36
Horrocks, Jeremiah 40
Horsehead Nebula 188–89
Houtermans, Fritz 211, 213, 216
Hoyle, Fred 171–72, 217, 254, 268, 270
Hubble, Edwin 185, 224, 225, 248, 268
Hubble Deep Fields 247, 248–49, 306
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) (satellite) 11, 13, 75, 107, 134, 195, 198, 201, 203, 230, 233, 234, 245, 248–49, 257, 290–91; XVII, XVIII
Hubble Ultra Deep Field 249
Hubble’s Law 248, 268
Huggins, Margaret L. 188
Huggins, William 140, 187–88, 228, 229, 230
Hulbert, Edward O. 156
Hulse, Russell 276
Humboldt, Alexander von 87
Hutton, James 101
Huxley, Thomas 212
Huygens, Christiaan 116, 132, 134, 178, 186
Huygens (spacecraft) 135
Hyades (star cluster) 191, 193
Hydra (moon) 71
hydrogen 131, 216, 229, 239, 242–46, 252, 256, 286, 306
hydrogen burning in stars 149, 193, 213, 217–18, 220
Ibata, Rodrigo 247–48
Iben, Icko 167
IC 2944 (Thackeray’s globules) 237
ice cores 95–96
Ida (asteroid) 67
Ihle, Johann Abraham 191
inclination of an orbit 57, 71, 89, 94–95, 106
inertia 149
infrared 189–90, 233, 261, 306
Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) (spacecraft) 190, 233
Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) (spacecraft) 190
InSight (spacecraft) 122
interferometry 255, 261, 306
intergalactic gas clouds 306
International Astronomical Union (IAU) 24, 71, 75, 261
International Cometary Explorer (ICE) (spacecraft) 91
International Geophysical Year (IGY) 85–86
International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) (spacecraft) 201
interstellar diamond 238
interstellar dust 218, 234, 236–39, 260, 303, 306
interstellar hydrogen 242–46, 256, 286, 307
interstellar molecules 239, 273, 293
interstellar nebulae 186–90
interstellar space 236–39, 307
Io 50, 126–29; III
ionosphere 155–56, 307
iron 218
iron-56 200
irregular galaxies 247, 307
Irwin, Mike 247–48
Ishango bone 19
isothermality 273–74
isotopes 215, 307
isotropy 264, 273–74, 307
Itokawa (asteroid) 67
James Webb Space Telescope 249
Jansky, Karl 151–52, 154, 260
Janssen, Jules 140–41
JASON-1 (satellite) 31
Jeans, James 193, 215
Jewitt, David 72, 73, 233
Joss, Paul 73
Jung, Carl 22
Jungk, Robert 211
Juno (asteroid) 65
composition 130–31
Great Red Spot XIV
magnetosphere 129
migration 210
orbit 207
origin 130, 235
rings 134
satellites 11, 49–50, 131; III
jupiters 207–8, 210, 307
Kalas, Paul 233
Kamiokande (Kamioka Nucleon Decay Experiment) 200, 220, 223
Kant, Immanuel 184, 232
Kaplan, Lewis D. 113
Kapteyn, Jacobus 236–37
Keats, John 68
r /> Keel (constellation) 36
Keeler, James 132, 133, 229
Kelvin, Lord 212
Kepler, Johannes 39–41, 51, 62, 116, 142
Kepler Mission 209
Kepler’s Laws 40, 142, 144
Kerberos (moon) 71
Kerr, Frank 244
Ketakar, Venkatesh 68
Kirchhoff, Gustav 140
Klebesadel, Ray 263–64
Kleinmann, Douglas 190
Korolyov, Sergei 114
Koshiba, Masatoshi 221, 223
KreeP 106, 307
Kreutz, Heinrich 46
Kuiper, Gerard 72, 105
Kuiper Belt 12, 71, 72–75, 92, 307
Kulik, Leonid 100
Lacaille, Nicolas-Louis de 35–36, 183
LAGEOS (Laser Geodynamics Satellites) 31
Langley, Samuel 113
Laplace, Pierre-Simon
132, 145–46, 174, 232–33
Large Magellanic Cloud 199, 251, 252
Lassell, William 60
Late Heavy Bombardment 109–10, 307
lava flows 50, 115, 118, 127, 128, 129, 307
Lavoisier, Antoine 138–39
Le Verrier, Urbain 12, 58–60, 143, 150
Le Verrier ring 134
Leavitt, Henrietta 192, 202, 203–4, 252
Leighton, Robert 222
Lemaître, Georges 267–68
lenticular galaxies 247, 308
Leonard, Frederick 72
Leonid meteor shower 81–82
Leviathan of Parsonstown 245
LGM 1 (pulsar) 170
Liais, Emmanuel 116
on Earth 89, 92, 106, 110, 197, 212, 294, 296, 297–98
elsewhere in the Solar System 124–25
elsewhere in the Universe 293–98
light, speed of 50, 147, 149
light years 8, 308
LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) 277; XXI
Lincoln, Abraham 80, 81
Lipper(s)hey, Hans 47–48
LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) 278–79
lithium 216
Littrow valley 104
Locke, John 82
Lockyer, Norman 140–41
lodestones 84–85
log N-log S 269, 308
Loki (Io volcano) 128
Lomonosov, M. 111
Lorenz, Edward 145
Lovell, Bernard 153
Low, Frank 190
Lowell, Percival 68–69, 70, 116
Luna (series of spacecraft) 88, 104
lunar craters 104–5; VIII
lunar eclipses 29, 308
lunar meteorites 79, 109
lunar mountains 10, 47, 48, 104
Lunar Orbiter (spacecraft) 104; VIII
lunar seas 104, 308
lunar X-rays 157
Lundmark, Knut 224, 225
Lutetia (asteroid) 67
Luu, Jane 74
Lyell, Charles 101, 212
Lynden-Bell, Donald 258
Lynx (constellation) 24
M1 see Crab Nebula
M42 see Orion Nebula
M51 see Whirlpool Galaxy
M57 see Ring Nebula
M87 (AGN) 174, 259; XXVIII
M89 (AGN) 262
Madler, Johann H. von 116
Magellan, Ferdinand 251
Magellan (spacecraft) 115; IV
Magellanic Clouds 199, 204, 250–52
Magellanic Stream 252
magnetic compass 84
magnetosphere 12, 84–88, 129, 308
Marcy, Geoffrey 208
Mare Imbrium 104
Mariner (spacecraft series) 108, 110, 114, 118–19, 121–22
Marius, Simon 126, 182
atmosphere 88, 119–20, 124
canals 117, 301
craters 118, 123, 313
early speculation on surface 116–17
floods 119, 123
glaciers 119, 122
images V, XI
life 295, 296
magnetic field 88, 119
meteorite 79, 296
orbit 38, 39–40, 119, 142
rotation 116
satellites 117–18
volcanoes 119
water 122–24
Mars Express (spacecraft) 119, 122, 123–24
Mars Global Surveyor (spacecraft) 119, 122, 123
Mars Odyssey (spacecraft) 122
Mars Pathfinder (spacecraft) 119, 122
Mars Phoenix Lander 122, 123
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (spacecraft) 122
Mars Rovers (spacecraft) 119
Marshack, Alexander 19
mass-energy equivalence 149, 213
Mästlin, Michael 196
Mather, John 274
Mathewson, Don 252
Mathilde (asteroid) 67
Matthews, Tom 255–56
Maunder, Edward 117
Maupertuis, Pierre 31
Maurolico, Francesco 196
Mawson, Douglas 78
Maxwell, James Clerk 130, 132
Mayall, Nicholas 225
Mayer, Cornell H. 112
Mayor, Michel 207–8
McDonald, Arthur B. 223
MCG-6-30-15 (AGN) 258–59
McKay, David 296
McKellar, Andrew 273
McNaught, R. 200
Méchain, Pierre 31
Medicean stars 50, 308
Medici, Cosimo de’ 50
Medici, Giuliano 250
Mees, C. E. Kenneth 112
Melas Chasma 123
Mendeleev, Dmitri 139
atmosphere 108–9
craters 108, 109; XV
Late Heavy Bombardment 109–10
orbit 9, 64, 107, 108, 149–50
transit 40
Merrill, George 99
Merrill, Paul 218
Messenger (spacecraft) 108, 110
Messier, Charles 46, 183, 224
Messier’s Catalogue 46, 183, 186, 224–25
meteor craters
on Earth 97–101
on Mercury 109
on Pluto 71
meteorites 76, 78, 97–101, 109, 235, 238, 293, 308
meteoroids 66, 76–79, 308
meteors 76–79, 80–83, 91, 308, 313
Michell, John 173–74
Milankovič, Milutin 93, 95
Milankovič cycles 95–96, 119, 144, 308
Milky Way 26–28, 182, 184, 237, 260–62; I
Millennium Simulation 13, 292; XIX
Miller, Joseph 258
Miller, Stanley 295
Miller, William 225–26
Mills, Bernard 269–70
Milne, Edward A. 113
Mimas (moon) 133
Minkowski, Ralph 255
Minnaert, M. 243
minor planet see asteroids
Minton, R. B. 126
Mira 162, 164
molecules 215, 293–94
Molyneux, Samuel 179
Montanari, Geminiano 163
earthrise VI
images VIII
landings 104; X
meteorites 79, 109
origin 88, 103–6, 235, 297
surface 48, 109
see also lunar entries
moons (of other planets) 49–50, 57, 70–71, 309; III
Morabito, Linda 126, 127–28
Morgan, William W. 243, 244
Moulton, Forest Ray 99, 103
Muller, Lex 244
Muñoz, Hieronymus 196
Murchison meteorite 293
Murdin, Paul 175–76
MyCn18 (planetary nebula) XXIV
naked supernovae 265
NEAR (spacecraft) 67
bipolar 230, 301
dark 303
definition 185, 309
discovery 182, 185, 186
interstellar 186–90
br /> planetary 228–31, 301, 310–11; XXIII, XXIV
Nebular Hypothesis 229, 232–33, 309
nebulium 188, 230
neon 218
atmosphere 61
discovery 12, 58–61
influence on other planets 71
orbit 61, 68
origin 130
rings 134
satellites 60, 61
Neugebauer, Gerry 189–90, 233
neutrino flavours 223
neutrino oscillations 223
neutrinos 12, 194, 200–1, 219–21, 223, 309
neutron stars 169–72, 175, 193, 197, 201, 214, 226, 265–66, 276, 277–78, 279, 302, 309; XXI
neutrons 200, 215, 217, 220
New Horizons (spacecraft) 71, 75
Newcomb, Simon 118, 212
Newton, Hubert 81
Newton, Isaac 14, 30, 41, 62–63, 89, 142–46, 178–79, 267, 295
Newton’s law of gravitation 30–31, 89, 142–46, 149–50
NGC 6543 see Cat’s Eye Nebula
NGC 7009 (planetary nebula) 228
Nicholson, Seth 112
nickel-56 200
night darkness 280–83
Nix (moon) 71
Nobel Prize 12, 158, 168, 171–72, 214, 217, 223, 255, 270, 273, 274, 276
Norman, Robert 85
North Celestial Pole 33
North Magnetic Pole 85, 88
North (Pole) Star 22, 34
Novikov, Igor 257
nuclear fusion 149, 197, 213–14, 309
nucleus (active galaxy) 309
nucleus (comet) 90
occultations 50, 255, 310, 312–13
Ocean of Storms 104
O’Dell, Robert 233
O’Keefe, John 105
Olbers, Wilhelm 65, 282, 310
Olbers’ Paradox 282–83, 310
Olmsted, Denison 81
Olympus Mons (Martian volcano) 119
Omega Centauri (globular cluster) 183, 192; XIII
Omphalos (possible meteorite) 78
Oort Cloud 12, 92, 310
Oort, Jan 92, 225, 243–44
Oparin, Alexander 295
Ophiuchus (constellation) 25
Öpik, Ernst 105, 217
Oppenheimer, Robert 171
Opportunity Rover 122
Orion (constellation) 35, 181
Orion Giant Molecular Cloud 189
Orion Nebula 185, 186–89, 206, 233, 300; XXII
Orò, Joan 295
OSIRIS-REx (spacecraft) VII
Osterbrock, Donald 243, 244
Oumuamua 296–97
Owl Nebula 230–31
oxygen 218, 230
Palitzch, Johann Georg 90, 163
Pallas (asteroid) 65
Pan (moon) 133
Paolini, Frank 156–57
Papanastassiou, Dimitri 109
Paradijs, Jan van 265
parallax 177–80, 310
Parker, Eugene 87
Parsons, William see Rosse, Lord
Pasteur, Louis 13, 294
Pauli, Wolfgang 220
Pawsey, John 269
Payne, Cecilia (Payne-Gaposchkin) 216
Peale, Stan 129
Peebles, Jim 272, 273
Peiresc, Nicolas-Claude Fabri de 186
Pele (Io volcano) 128
Penfield, Glen 101
Penzias, Arno 272–73